Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog 4: Critique an Editorial

Statesman: national tea party group targets Straus

After reading the blog by Paul Burka, (Senior Executive Editor) Statesman: national tea party group targets Straus; one would become confused due to little to no research supporting his disputes, agreements or the topic. When clicking on the above link it only brings you back to the blog instead of an article for readers to review.  This leads readers to assume his point of view or asking the question, “What is he talking about?”
In the first paragraph the writer use the word “crazy” to describe what is going on in the Republican circles; however, again no details to the readers about what the circle consist of. He then talks about Freedom Works, a Washington-based group chaired by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey, indicating that the group was trying to defeat Dewhurst and Straus.  After clicking in the link Freedom Works, readers are sent back to Texas Monthly not the organizations website.  The writer clearly left the readers to do the research on their own about the Freedom Works group.  How is this related to the bill that one would assume he is referring to?

    Another puzzling issue for the reader’s when determining the relationship of Dewhurst and Straus to the bill at hand.  Perhaps giving first and last name, stating their state or local positions could help keep the reader’s attention.

The writer also refers to a comment of Matt Kibbee, the organization president, “The citizens of Texas want to see real reform”. They look at other states that are doing more and they ask: “Why not Texas”.  It would helpful if there was a link there for readers to review the organization site to see what other states as well as the comparisons.  Again what are the other states doing that Texas is not doing?

Other names are mentioned throughout the blog, David Simpson, Dan Patrick referring to a letter that a U.S attorney sent threatening to shut down Texas airports or cancel flights. I think at this point of the blog readers are just now getting some idea what the bill is about.

After reading the article at the end of the blog from Texas Tribute, where full names and positions were given for Dewhurst and Straus, readers are now able to relate to the concerns of the writer. I agree that legislation should not be allowed to close down all the airports in Texas. The passing of bill could conflict with federal law and TSA would perhaps be required to cancel any flight that it could not ensure the safety of the passengers and crew.

I feel that the issue of passing the bill is of a great importance; however, due to the confusing information and poor writing many readers would have stopped reading the blog after the first or second line.  The only reason I continue to read the information was because of the assignment.  That’s sad because everyone should know about their safety when flying.
The writer did not capture the audience nor did he provide any documentation to support his position.
 I believe that the writer was trying to reveal the anti-pat down bill of the 82nd Legislature (HB1937).  Perhaps if he would have just listed the links below then the readers would have had a better understanding of what he was really trying to say.

82nd TX Legislature: H.B. #1937